Canadiam Geese take off and follow a leaser from the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, in Edmonds WA
Canadiam Geese take off and follow a leaser from the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, in Edmonds WA
The surf scoter is a large sea duck native to North America. Adult males are almost entirely black with characteristic white patches on the forehead and the nape and adult females are slightly smaller and browner.
The surf scoter is a large sea duck native to North America. Adult males are almost entirely black with characteristic white patches on the forehead and the nape and adult females are slightly smaller and browner.
A collection of geese and ducks on 02/12/2021 at the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, Edmonds WA.
A collection of geese and ducks on 02/12/2021 at the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, Edmonds WA.
A collection of geese and ducks on 02/12/2021 at the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, Edmonds WA.
A collection of geese and ducks on 02/12/2021 at the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands, Edmonds WA.
Female Hooded Merganser dives for food, while the male keeps a watchful eye out
Female Hooded Merganser dives for food, while the male keeps a watchful eye out
A Male Hooded Merganser visits a neighborhood mill pond in Mill Creek, WA
A Male Hooded Merganser visits a neighborhood mill pond in Mill Creek, WA
Buffleheads are cavity-nesting ducks and prefer to nest near lakes and deep ponds with associated temperate woodlands. Female buffleheads lay an average of 9 eggs.
Buffleheads are cavity-nesting ducks and prefer to nest near lakes and deep ponds with associated temperate woodlands. Female buffleheads lay an average of 9 eggs.
As a female Bufflehead leads the way, a group of both female and male Ring-necked Duck follow in her wake.
As a female Bufflehead leads the way, a group of both female and male Ring-necked Duck follow in her wake.
a Male 'Ring-necked Duck' visits a mill pond in the Mill Creek, WA neighborhood.
a Male 'Ring-necked Duck' visits a mill pond in the Mill Creek, WA neighborhood.
A Male 'Ring-necked Duck'  moved quickly in a small pond in Mill Creek, WA
A Male 'Ring-necked Duck' moved quickly in a small pond in Mill Creek, WA
A group of Mallard Ducks, male and female, look intently towards a interesting find.
A group of Mallard Ducks, male and female, look intently towards a interesting find.
A 'Ring-necked Duck' pauses on a small pond in Mill Creek, WA
A 'Ring-necked Duck' pauses on a small pond in Mill Creek, WA
A Trumpeter Swan lounges in a field, another one sits along side.
A Trumpeter Swan lounges in a field, another one sits along side.
A group of Ring-Neck (male) ducks swim along in Silver Lake, Everett, WA
A group of Ring-Neck (male) ducks swim along in Silver Lake, Everett, WA
Two of three Ring-Neck ducks look towards shore along Silver Lake in everett, WA
Two of three Ring-Neck ducks look towards shore along Silver Lake in everett, WA
An American coot Pauses before moving off to Silver Lake, Everett, WA
An American coot Pauses before moving off to Silver Lake, Everett, WA
A lone Mallard female duck rests by the Samamish River
A lone Mallard female duck rests by the Samamish River
Adult and Young Mergansers wading on small mill pond
Adult and Young Mergansers wading on small mill pond
American Coot closeup
American Coot closeup
1st sighting of this unquie duck
1st sighting of this unquie duck
Uncommon sighting!
Uncommon sighting!
Saw this one at the Mill Creek wetlands
Saw this one at the Mill Creek wetlands
Love the Scooter's feet!
Love the Scooter's feet!
Suft Scooter and Mallard
Suft Scooter and Mallard
Mallard Duck on grass on log on water
Mallard Duck on grass on log on water

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