A Sharp Shinned Hawk gazes out on a deadhead tree at the NWSC wetlands trail
The northern flicker or common flicker is a medium-sized bird of the woodpecker family.
A American Bald Eagle rests for a moment on a neighbors roof. Note bloodon head is from fresh kill consumption...
The spotted towhee is a large New World sparrow.
Male Western Tangers on Cedar Tree
Two Blue Heron's at the Edmonds Marsh wetlands, in Edmonds, WA
A backyard Junco watching its surroundings
A hungery Junco foraging
A single Cormorant looking for a meal.
Mostly a bird of wild northwestern landscapes, Barrow’s Goldeneyes are striking ducks. Males are crisp black-and-white, with a purplish head, a long white crescent on the face, and a row of white “windows” along the shoulder. Females are a cool gray with rich brown heads and usually a mostly orange-yellow bill.
Two Double-Crested Comorants glide in Silver Lake, Everett, WA
A Red-Wing Blackbird piers out along the trail at Silver Lake, Everett, WA
A Red-Wing Blackbird gazes down at something of interest.
A goldfinch (male) rests but is aware
A silent Blue Heron fishes along the Samamish River
A green heron loks about on a small suburban pond
A summer resident here in the Pacific Northwest. Can weave throughdense vegetation in search of smal insects, frogs and some plants material.
A pair of 'Greater Yellowlegs' wander the Skagit Wildlife Area.
Two yound 'Greater Yellowlegs' wander the Skagit Wildlife Area.
A Great Blue Heron watches the photographers at the Skagit Wildlife Area.
Sitting in a pond during low tide runoff, an Northern Shoveler and two American Coots forage for a meal.
Two American Coots swiming together
A recent fall visitor to the backyard, this young Coopers Hawk looks for prey. (# 1 of 2)
A recent fall visitor to the backyard, this young Coopers Hawk looks for prey. (# 2 of 2)
Back view
A visitor looking for a small bird meal
One of my favorite birds, always fierce looking.
Captured at the Edmonds Marsh Wetlands
Scenes from Mill Creek Wetlands